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Surgical Instruments Catalogue

02-Diagnostics3.97 Mb04-Anesthesia4.66 Mb

06-Trocars & vaccination5.14 Mb07 Lipo-Suction4.01 Mb

08-Scalpels(knives)3.20 Mb10-Scissors13.9 Mb

12-Thumb Forceps13.2 Mb14-Artery Forceps17.9 Mb

16-Cotton Swab2.45 Mb18-Retractors17.5 Mb

19 Retractor System12.5 Mb19-Self Retaining9.43 Mb

20-Probes & Applicators2.80 Mb22-Suture10.0 Mb

24-Plaster2.69 Mb26-Bone Surgery6.31 Mb

28-Bone Surgery26.7 Mb30-Neuro Surgery8.96 Mb

32-Tracheotomy4.01 Mb34-Cardiovascular21.5 Mb

36-Lung Surgery10.2 Mb38-Goitre0.60 Mb

40-Dermatology1.05 Mb44-Otology10.08 Mb

46-Rhinology13.4 Mb48-Oral Instruments4.29 Mb

49-Maxillofacial14.9 Mb50-Tonsil4.83 Mb

52-Intestinal & Stomach7.56 Mb54-Rectum4.68 Mb

56-Gall Blader2.41 Mb58-Urology4.45 Mb

60-Gynecology18.6 Mb62-Obstetrics7.37 Mb

64-Sterlization1.6 Mb66-Asepsis1.01 Mb